Why Should You Use Water-Filled Barriers on Your Road Construction Project?

If you're about to start a new project that involves roadworks, then you have to set up some traffic control services. This isn't just about keeping the site clear while you work. You also have a duty of care to your crew and to drivers on the road.

During the project, you might need to set up barriers to cordon off work areas or to divert traffic. While you can use cones for this, fence-like barriers are often a better solution. They mark out things out more clearly and effectively.

While you can use basic barriers here, you can also use water-filled products. What are the benefits of using these barriers?

Create Robust Barrier Lines

If you mark out barrier lines with cones or use regular barrier panels, then you won't always get a strong line. For example, cones can blow over in the wind. If someone bumps into a cone, then the cone is likely to move out of line or fall over.

While barriers are bigger and more balanced, they don't always stay in place either. If a driver misjudges their position and knocks into a regular barrier, then it will move or fall down. If the barriers interlock, then you could lose a whole line at once.

If you use a water-filled solution, then each of your barriers is filled with water once you put them in position. The water weighs the barrier down and makes it stronger.

As a result, your barriers are less likely to move or fall down in the wind. If someone knocks into them, they should all stay in place. They might even slow down a car enough for the driver to get it under control again if someone has an accident near the line.

Speed Up Placement

Some more robust barrier systems are relatively heavy. They are harder to transport and to store. Plus, you'll need to allocate more manpower to putting them up, moving them and taking them down again.

One of the advantages of using water-filled barriers is the fact that you fill them when they are in place. The barriers themselves are very light when they are empty; they only gain weight when you fill them with water.

So, these barriers are quicker to move by fewer workers. You can keep most of your crew on the job and set up your control lines more easily.

To learn more about water-filled barriers and other useful roadworks solutions, contact traffic control services providers.

About Me

The Best Construction Advice

Hello! My name is Denny and I would like to give you some advice about completing a construction project. I am not a construction worker and I do not have an intimate knowledge of the industry. However, last year, I decided to build my dream property. I worked with a designer to draft some plans and then I called in a team of construction contractors. I was amazed at the different skills that the tradesmen used to construct my new home and I was super pleased with the end result. I hope you enjoy this blog and that it helps you to build your dream home.


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