3 Insights for Hiring a Construction Site Portaloo

The decision to hire portaloos rather than build semi-permanent or permanent toilets in construction sites is a strategic one. First, construction sites are dynamic; for instance, a bare location might need excavation the following day. Second, some places might be far from a central sewer system; therefore, erecting a semi-permanent toilet may not be a good idea. If you consider these factors, portaloos are a much more convenient and cost-effective option. However, you need to note a few things to get the most out of portaloo hire. This write-up highlights tips for hiring a portaloo for aconstruction site.

Provide a Rental Service Provider with a Key -- Keeping unwanted guests out of your rented portaloos is vital. As such, most portaloo rental firms provide a lock with their portable toilets. However, other providers allow clients to use lock kits for convenience purposes. Notably, since construction sites are often busy during business hours, rental firms might have to wait until after hours to empty or service the portaloos. If you use the lock kit but forget to issue the rental firm with a spare key, then the service provider's staff might get stranded at the construction site. Therefore, ensure that you give a service provider copies of portaloo keys for convenience purposes.

Damage Waiver Protection -- Construction sites are a haven for falling rubble, shifting ground and moving heavy equipment. As such, you cannot rule out the possibility of portaloo units getting destroyed by any of the above elements. If an incident happens, you can incur expensive repair costs. Therefore, it is essential to consider adding damage waiver protection to the portaloo rental fee. Damage waiver protection helps protect you from unforeseen repair costs as a result of destruction during normal worksite operations. Therefore, ask a prospective portaloo service provider about damage waiver protection options.

Brace Portaloos -- Since worksites are usually free of windbreaks, especially during the initial stages of a construction project, it is not a good idea to put up a portaloo without bracing it. High winds can quickly blow away a portaloo unit. To prevent this, position the portaloo units against a wall or site fence to protect it from direct wind gusts. Alternatively, you can brace the portaloo to the ground using a metallic waste bar that can be found lying idle in a construction site. The bar will do a great job of keeping the portaloos grounded. During servicing or emptying, inform the rental company about the bracing. If the portaloo service provider's staff are not aware, they might yank the portaloo off the ground and cause damage.

About Me

The Best Construction Advice

Hello! My name is Denny and I would like to give you some advice about completing a construction project. I am not a construction worker and I do not have an intimate knowledge of the industry. However, last year, I decided to build my dream property. I worked with a designer to draft some plans and then I called in a team of construction contractors. I was amazed at the different skills that the tradesmen used to construct my new home and I was super pleased with the end result. I hope you enjoy this blog and that it helps you to build your dream home.


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