Quick Reminders on Choosing Timber for Your Construction Project

Most construction projects start with a timber frame, and timber is also needed for interior and exterior doors, interior floors, outside decks, and finished pieces like cabinetry and shelving. Because timber is such an important part of any construction project, it's important that you know how to choose the best type of lumber for your construction business, and that you keep in mind all costs in getting that timber to your jobsite. If you're new to the construction industry or want to build your own home, note a few reminders that will help you to choose the right timber for your business or one-time project.

Choose the grade

Timber is typically given a grade or classification according to its overall quality. This grade will note its density and its appearance. This is why you don't necessarily need the highest grade for the framework of a construction project; wall studs, a home's subfloor, and roof joists will all typically be hidden by finished carpentry and other surface materials, so the timber used in these areas can have knots and other defects, and still be suitable. The highest grade of timber should be chosen for wood that will remain exposed, such as cabinetry and timber flooring.

Determine Wood density

Hardwoods are usually used for framing a construction project, as they are stronger and more able to bear the weight of a structure than softwoods. However, when it comes to flooring, cabinetry, and other such surfaces, you can choose between hardwoods and softwoods. While it's good to choose a wood that offers the look you want for these surfaces, remember that porous softwoods can absorb more noise and vibration than hardwoods. Softwoods can then be a better choice for flooring for upper stories, and for the interior of commercial buildings, where ringing phones and a busy staff will mean more sound that needs to be absorbed by the wood of the building.

Schedule transportation and delivery

When choosing any type of wood for construction, note the transportation and delivery costs. When you choose woods that are not native to your local area, those transportation costs will often go up when the cost of gasoline goes up. You also want a transportation company that will be able to accommodate your schedule, as you may not want to take delivery of all the wood needed for your project at once. Be sure you choose a transport company carefully when scheduling your project or starting a construction business, so you don't face any delays or unexpected costs.    

To learn more about timber deliveries, contact services such as Bowens.

About Me

The Best Construction Advice

Hello! My name is Denny and I would like to give you some advice about completing a construction project. I am not a construction worker and I do not have an intimate knowledge of the industry. However, last year, I decided to build my dream property. I worked with a designer to draft some plans and then I called in a team of construction contractors. I was amazed at the different skills that the tradesmen used to construct my new home and I was super pleased with the end result. I hope you enjoy this blog and that it helps you to build your dream home.


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